'Tis the last day of November, chilly and rainy outside, warm and toasty inside. A lovely day to be at home, with my "couch kitty," enjoying the warmth and relaxation....
Above is the dining room for the annual Thanksgiving buffet at the Hofbrauhuas, where Mom, Jeanne and I have celebrated for the last several years. Mom looked pretty, all dressed up, as usual. :-)
I am 56 years old (how on earth did that happen?). I work as a psychiatric social worker in a hospital, where I have worked for 37 years! (How on earth did that happen?) I love animals. I recently lost a beloved cat, Chloe, and am now down to one cat, Topaz. I also dearly love dogs, and horses, and lambs and pretty much every other kind of animal. For this reason, I am a vegetarian. I practice yoga once a week, and I am in school studying psychoanalysis, mostly for the experience. I recently took a train trip from MA to CA, to visit my brother and my niece and I had a wonderful time. Hope to go again next year!